We need your help to make this GREAT!
Most are familiar with the phrase Rome wasn’t built in a day”.   Building a platform of this size/magnitude to support the American people requires enormous teamwork and contribution over time.
YOU CAN   be a part of our team.   Help us carry the load with your contributions in various ways.   Your help today makes all our tomorrows better!

Monetary Contributions

It goes without saying, to tackle an effort of this magnitude requires money to pay for high quality professionals in technology and education.   We need the best and brightest of today to drive the best and brightest of tomorrow AND we need them to want to stay with the mission long term.   Help us empower excellence through making tax deductible contributions!

Donating Items for Auction

Some may want to contribute by providing items to be auctioned in furtherance of the mission and that’s fantastic.   We will be establishing a schedule soon, so if you would like to contribute items please message us at .


As you will see on our PEOPLE page, our focus is eventually to have all paid staff long-term.   However, the first couple of years will certainly be a growth-period.   Anyone with relevant skills and willingness to further the mission are welcome and encouraged to contribute as a volunteer.